Monday, January 30, 2012

political Bias

Bias can influence not only the petty things in life but our overall outlook on the world. What I find the most interesting form of bias is in the roots of our political views. I believe that it does not matter how intelligent or educated a person can be they fall prey to their environment. Our environment whether it be our parents, priests, teachers, and peers shape the way we view the world. In the specific case of politics there is not any words in the world that can change our political bias because of how strong the roots of our environment are. Unless of course our environment has an extreme changes then our political views can change. I find this very interesting because of how heavily this political bias influences our government and country. When the majority of people believe so strongly in their political viewpoints they latch on to their political ideals and want the country to move in the direction of their party. Because of the way our congress works this is impossible. That is why barely anything has been accomplished because people refuse to compromise to their political bias. This just shows how much bias not only influences our lives and world but also how heavily it effects our government and country.